CC1 IceBreaker---Run for Your Life


Run for Your Life

Have you ever been experienced a kind of feeling that you've been totallly given up by someone you love? I've been there once. At that time she said 'You're a nice person, but not the right one for me.' I was really sad. For me, she was my love, she was my hope, she was my whole world. I couldn’t accept the truth that I would never see that smile on her face again. Apparently I had to get over her which was supposed to be the most difficult thing for me to do.

After that, my world crushed. Everything in my life turned into grey. I didn’t want to work, I didn’t want to go out with my friends, I even skipped the match of my favourite football team which I used to seeing a lot. I was sitting in front of the computer all day long, drinking beer and playing some computer games. My life was miserable. What’s even worse, I realized that I couldn’t find where myself really is.

Luckily, those days didn’t last long. One day I saw a famous movie again, Forest Gump, when Forest was abandoned by Jenny, he couldn’t help running. I thought maybe I should have a try. I mean, both of us were trying to get rid of the pain that some girls gave to us.

So I started to run. At first, I kept running for 30 minutes every afternoon. Then 45 minutes, and then even an hour. At 5 o’clock every afternoon, I felt that my body was burning. It was like a strong voice shouting at me---'Run, Keven, Run for your life!'

Later, I discovered that something different was happening in my life. I got more focused on my work and I was able to enjoy it. I began to hang out with my friends, playing some card games. And I loved to see Arsenal's games although they like selling out their captains. I got all my passion back and I found that life is such an amazing thing. To tell you the truth, as I ran 8km a day, I lost about 20 pounds weight during those days. What’s more surprising is that my sleeping problem was gone!

Running really became a way to challenge myself. It seems that there is a guy, and I need to defeat him. Running allows me to truly climb hills and clear obstacles. It gives me a strong feeling of freedom that my legs and my body are so strong. Thanks to running, confidence come back to me.

Then I pushed myself to try new things. I joined students union of our department, and passed the election to be the president. I began to play piano although I‘m not so good at it. I even participated in a Toastmaster club to enhance my communication skills. For me now, I’m not afraid of expressing myself in front of people. My audience love my speech, of that I‘m sure.

When I am running, I can feel my own breath, and my own heart-beating. This is the evidence that shows I am alive. As before, when I was alone, I spent a lot of time on computer and cellphone, playing games, watching videos or updating social network pages. While I was doing all these stuff, I was not with myself. Fortunately, I found that running gave me the chance to actually be with myself. And as soon as I learn to be with myself, I get the power to face those tough things. That dude told me, someone who doesn’t love you would not be the one. Move on to find her. You know what, she's near, of that I‘m sure.

Dear friends, when you are down, when you fail the exam, or especially when you are dumped by your boyfriend/girlfriend, get to run. Go to find yourself back and take good care of him.







13年春又一次去奥森跑步,15km,没怎么热身,加之天气凉,膝盖疼了好久,此为隐患。14年报了北马,开跑之前训练没有规律,加之跑步姿势不正确,上了20整个膝盖就不好了。北马跑了一半多一点就放弃了,那天的经历很开心。但领完行李拖着病腿从奥体回来时,听到路边排山倒海的加油,还是略为遗憾的。 不过就这样吧,我还是倾向于打打球,练练肌肉,把注意力集中于那些能给身体带来改变的运动。跑步对我来说,不是非要一天15km,年底非要完成马拉松的运动,而是听听音乐看看风景pm低的时候享受空气然后顺便跑一跑的运动,恩,这就对了。












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